Day 2 of 30 Days in May Challenge.

It’s back in time for us as we sit back and wander through our childhood with the musical comedy of The Wind in the Willows. This is a delightful tale about a group of animal friends; a mole, a rat, a badger, and a well-intended but often mischievous toad. It is a classic of children’s literature written by Kenneth Grahame and published in 1908.

This comedy follows the impulsive Mr Toad whose insatiable need for speed lands him in serious trouble. With his home under threat from the notorious Chief Weasel and his gang of sinister Wild Wooders Toad attempts a daring escape leading to a series of misadventures to recapture his beloved Toad Hall.

Mole meets Ratty and has a lovely time chatting and meeting some new riverbank friends like, Mrs Otter and her children, as they glide along the river in Ratty’s boat. (I love the boat and watch out for the swimming club!) Ratty takes Mole along the roadside towards the grand old Toad Hall… it’s a dangerous time and no place for hedgehogs! Mole is introduced to the flamboyant Mr Toad who thinks a lot of himself and not a lot of others. He has a huge passion for motor cars and a growing need for speed.

Ratty & Mole have a problem on their hands and the only hope is to call on wise old Badger to get him to stop. The trouble is they have to find him first and end up on an adventure through the wild, wild woods. Trying to avoid the dangers within they stumble through, literally. Will he be their saviour and stop Mr Toad from speeding around the countryside or will his insane infatuation with driving cars gets him into a very big spot of bother?

All will be revealed!

Toad Hall can be found at the Key Theatre and the show is being presented by Peterborough Revellers – an Amateur Dramatic Society performing popular musical shows and comedy plays in the Peterborough area, up to three productions per year. (

It’s a new musical providing some fun on stage for all ages. The show is a long one and runs from 7.30pm with a break and finished just after 10pm. It’s on again Friday 3rd & Saturday 4th May nightly at 7.30pm with a Saturday matinee at 2.30pm. Tickets cost £15 for Full Price, £13 for Concessions, £45 for a Family Ticket and £12.50 for groups of 10+.

Beep Beep.

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