Sunny weather welcomed the joyous event for Deepings Carnival on Sunday 30th June. Our Student Journalist Ella attended:

The event was held on the John Eve Field which is organised every year by the Deepings Lions Club and Deepings Rotary Club.

Beginning at 11:30 am, a parade commenced from Jubilee Park before making its way into the John Eve Field to mark the celebration of supporting Armed Forces Day.

Lasting until 5:00 pm, the field was full of various stalls, supporting many different causes and events. Such as a charity stall for the RSPCA with a raffle, food stalls that were selling various sweet treats and Fens Falconry of Wisbech that displayed their amazing birds of prey.

There was also a stall for the Army Cadet Force which tied in perfectly with the event. Brochures were handed out by young cadets during the day to encourage people to ‘Make their mark’ by visiting the website for more details.

Many people dressed up as the Vikings of Middle England to support the event. There were tents and props to make it seem even more realistic to give you a sense of what life was like back then.

‘Dean & Co’ entertained the crowds with their live music.

The middle of the field had an open arena where local clubs, including a football team and a young dance group, showcased their talents in front of the buzzing crowds.

Rides and games such as the teacup ride and hook the duck also featured during the day.

A beer tent was also provided and there was a stall to have afternoon tea if you wanted to sit down, relax and enjoy the sun. As well as a car boot sale, which took place earlier in the day where you could perhaps buy a bargain or two.

A Flypast by a Hurricane from the RAF Battle of Britain thrilled excited crowds as it raced across the sky.

The Deepings Carnival was a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the Armed Forces and to spend time with your family and friends as there was special something for everyone to enjoy.

Ella Titman
Level 3 Creative digital media production (Journalism)
Peterborough Regional College

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