I wasn’t surprised when I received an invitation to a musical event at Peterborough Cathedral… however, I was intrigued when told to bring a cushion and a blanket!

I’ve not heard of The Britten Sinfonia before but was soon hunting on what this event was all about coming to our Cathedral. I soon discovered it was going to be something really unique! So, I was more than happy to accept with interest.

On arriving on Saturday night we showed our tickets and entered an already full Cathedral as people were laid down and sitting on the floor, as well as sitting around the perimeter on chairs. I’d brought a couple of cushions and a thick coat as I know how cold it can get in there, even in summertime – Cold stone under my bum wasn’t something I wanted to hamper my enjoyment.

There were several areas exclusively as stages, at the front, on the side, in the middle, in the choir area and further back. We got a coffee from the drinks area and trundled around to a spare spot on the side near the strings area. People kept coming in and sitting either on mats and seats provided or popping down their own camping cover or pilates mat on the floor and snuggling with thick coverings as they lay looking up at the ceiling.

Just after 7pm the Dean of Peterborough introduced the orchestra and as the music started with Fanfare of the Common Man (Aaron Copland (1900-1990) the lights dimmed low. Silence took over the Cathedral as the acoustics echoed around this grand building. Music travelled from front to back as each piece changed seamlessly, we merged into O Magnum Mysterium (Marton Lauridsen (b.1943), and more.

You think you’re not a classical fan, although we’ve most likely heard lots to be fair as many advertisements on TV tend to use them – remember that Wool advert? You recognise some and simply enjoy others you’ve never heard. This was quite a surreal shared experience with many other people as strings played in front of us, drums to the side, singers hidden away at the back and in the heart of the Cathedral. If you can imagine laying on the Cathedral floor with rotating gentle lighting and beautiful music being played around you from all sides, it’s hard to explain. The lighting travelled slowly around the Cathedral’s columns and ceiling adding to the atmosphere as you watched – a bit like clouds sailing by.

Tonight’s event was put on by Britten Sinfonia, as they describe it “it’s like a radio mix or eclectic playlist, but live and all around you” and it was; you got a continuous emotional feeling as you lay there. Unfortunately, the cold beat me (no mat just my coat) so I ended up on a wooden chair and got two experiences for one (lol). If it comes again, make sure you book up and do something unique like this, like I have.

Check out www.brittensinfonia.com/events for their next events.

#brittensinfonia #classics #classicmusic #orchestra #peterboroughcathedral #peterborough #music #thingstodoinpeterborough

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